Friday, December 07, 2007
Have you ever feel that they is so much u want to do when you have no time.but the moment u cleared the main task,there is nothing left to much yet so nothing.well for eighteen years a that is being done is like a template.well start of with nursery for some,proceed on to kindergarten ,followed by primary school and secondary finally end with jc or poly before we really start to think.what am i going to do for life?what is my aim?12 years of math and science,studied almost all types.get your A's and end of the day whats the use of this knowledge that we acquire?so what if we know what is force?what is differentiation?E=MC^2?does it really apply to our we actually calculate the angle and strength used when we throw the basketball?
I feel that education as we have learn leads to development of our country our future.but is it really that important?we want to get rich,get a beautiful or handsome spouse,be famous ,get powerful.but why do we really want them for?a new era a new way of life.but money and power is one that never change.but is it really that important?that useful?past empires or business corporation the 1st generation work and slog their life out to get it.enjoying little of the benefits.the second generation start with a good life and half of them start to weaken,he other half have to carry on the family tradition even if it is not their interest.up to the 3rd generation the famly gets too big and family strife start to happen.well is there relly any enjoyment in all this?perhaps to some this is their goal in life.
well i have 4 months more to go before my ns enlistment.and after that i have another 18 months.well that make it 2 years to start think about my goal in life.what i want in set up a pursue my interest to waste my life away?find a girl of my dream?I have to start searching for pieces of my life,to fill my empty soul.wasted 18 years but i am not gonna waste another 18.
hope i could find them soon,and to everyone that is lost like me now
|KseR| 2:32 AM|
Thursday, December 06, 2007
oh well been so long since i last post A level is gone and prom night is history.well brings back plenty of memories.well few things to clear up this dec is just the class chalet and to get myself a job.well got one from my sister bf.hmm before i continue, would like to recommend one show on tuesday at chan u.well it is lun yu.the show i feel is like better then this 12 years of education i have been through.well what it says is a lot.on a different topic each episode but it still explains to us the way of life and attitude we should have.well should start talking bout my prom.
well first thing that I gain from this prom is the borders voucher that i won from the lucky draw.pretty lucky am i?well it was as though cy and mickey mouse knew the future.they say out my number before the emcee said and just nice it was the same number.well what happen next was best i the host Daniel ong was kinda crappy.when i got the prize he just bow and i bow back.and well what happen next was just a continuation of bowing for like how many times.wonder did anyone take a photo of that?think most of the people in the ball room were watching us do that.quite an experience .well the previous time that i kept bowing on stage was like 12 years back when i was in kindergarten?that time i was a small boy.fearless and thick skin i would say.
erm the food for prom was bit sad....well looking at other people eat sharkfin soup while we have some very nice tom yam soup.while they have chicken we have prawn.quite special i should say.just like my clothes.while everyone have blazer or plain stripe long sleeve shirt.guess here is one with flowery shirt that look just ......My sis got it for me from france.maybe thats y the taste kinda look different.
Post prom was at the arena at clarke quay.dont really like the clubbing.but once a life experince a least to officially end my jc life and the begining of the next journey.Tried to dance at the dance floor and like everyone else is just shaking about and waving the hands.haha wonder whats so fun about clubbing.maybe its the gals that make it interesting did see a few chi bus at the dance floor.but too shy to go up to them.perhaps if there is a next time i may pick up the courage to do so.oh and got one gal kinda look familiar but did not dare to approach her to confirm it.would feel strange and sounds old fashion my starting with hey u look familiar or u look like my fren.
guess enough crapping and should post some pics.
here is taiwan guy pc.the next rich model i predict

my class wonder if i will remember them haha

my class manager.

my fellow it club members and dota kakis

the quiet twin leonard.

my dear old jason since primary school

the rich old eugene lau

the scary giant

hmm sis said she was pretty

The prom queen nominee
and my mum said was very pretty

the prom king, my honor

the almost prom king...

and last picture is the superman woope
|KseR| 4:24 AM|